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ExceleRate Illinois: Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS)

Early learning and development programs operate in different settings and demonstrate their quality in various ways, including compliance with licensing standards, federal and state grant requirements, and accreditation systems.
ExceleRate Illinois focuses on programs individually, by allowing programs to meet consistent standards through providing different forms of evidence.

ExceleRate Illinois offers distinctive benefits for early learning and development programs, including:

  • It details a process for making quality an ongoing priority.
  • It keeps providers focused on whole child development.
  • It clearly defines a consistent set of standards for quality improvement.
  • It enables providers to focus on the individual quality issues that are most relevant to their practices.
  • It recognizes and rewards a wide variety of quality improvement achievements.
  • It helps providers access and stay current with emerging research, best practices and information and training resources.
  • It connects providers with expert consultants and assessment professionals.

Ultimately, Illinois children will reap the rewards from a state-wide system that stresses quality in early learning and development programs and prepares them for success in school and life. 
For more information please visit the ExcelRate Illinois website.

Interested in learning more about ExceleRate Illinois or need technical assistance for your licensed child care? Please reach out to one of our consultants:

Quality Rating Specialist – Fayeza Waris
(815) 741-1163 ext. 275

Infant/Toddler Specialist – Alexandria Franklin
(815) 741-1163 ext. 034

Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant – Jessica Kubiak, MSW
Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant
Caregiver Connections
Kendall County Health Department
811 W. John St. Yorkville, IL 60560
(630) 391-0483

On-site Program Consultants

Child Care Resource & Referral has a team of trained program consultants available to provide on-site support and information to family child care providers and center staff working to improve or maintain the quality of their program and/or address specific challenges.