Child Care Assistance for Families

Our Eligibility specialists support families with applications, re-determinations, change of providers and change of information forms, as well as assisting with any questions or concerns clients may have. The CCAP team also assist with payment entry for monthly billing certificates for providers within our SDA.
You may be able to get help paying for child care if:
- You live in Illinois AND
- You have a child or children under the age of 13* AND
- You are working and meet income guidelines OR
- You receive TANF and are in an education, training, or other work activity approved by your caseworker, OR
- You are a teen parent (under age 20) in high school, an alternative high school or GED program, OR
- You are attending in-person education or training activities including, ESL, high school equivalency, GED, vocational training, and 2- and 4-year college degree programs.
*Special needs children over the age of 13 may qualify with documentation
Income Eligibility
To check your income eligibility please review the Income Guidelines or visit the IDHS Eligibility Calculator:
If you are working, please ensure you include the following along with your completed application.
- 2 current and consecutive pay stubs
- For new jobs, include a Wage Verification Form (filled out by your employer)
- For Self-Employed
– Self-Employment Record Form
– A copy of your most recent Federal Income Tax Return (IRS 1040) and all schedules and attachments.
– If you have not worked long enough to file taxes you can submit: A listing of all business income and expenses for eth last 30 days. When reporting income and expenses all receipts, invoices, and/or other documentation must be attached t verify all information.
- If you are attending school, please ensure you include the following along with your completed application:
– Copy of your official school schedule
– Copy of your most recent report card showing your current term grade point average (GPA)
- If you currently do not have a child care provider, we are happy to help. Please visit our Child Care Options page, email us at, or call our referral specialist at 815-741-1179 x227
- You and your provider will be notified by mail of approval or denial within 30 business days after we receive the completed application and all required paperwork.
- All families pay a portion of the cost as a co-payment. The amount of the family’s co-payment is based on income and family size. For more information visit the IDHS Parent Co-Payment page.
- For more information please visit the IDHS Child Care Assistance (CCAP) page.
- For questions or case inquiries please call us at 815-741-4622 or email us at