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Success Stories: CCRR’s Continuing Education Webinars

Success Stories: CCRR’s Continuing Education Webinars

We are pleased to share success stories from our company’s webinars and training programs tailored for childcare providers and educators. At our organization, we’re passionate about equipping professionals with the tools, knowledge, and support they need to excel in their vital roles.

Through engaging webinars and comprehensive training sessions, we’ve witnessed remarkable growth, innovation, and success among childcare providers and educators. Join us on this journey as we shine a spotlight on the incredible achievements and impactful stories that emerge from our programs.

Benefits to Sunshine & Rainbows Learning Center

I am the director of Sunshine & Rainbows Learning Center, a community preschool in Joliet. My teachers and I attend the many webinars and workshops provided by Childcare Resource and Referral. The many offerings are awesome. The speakers and subject matters that Sherry Coe has provided for us have helped us in our continuing education. The subject matter has kept us fresh and updated, as well as helped us in the classroom with children, parents and even our co-workers.

The time provided for the webinars and workshops are helpful too. Many times workshops are provided by other sources during the day and we are unable to attend. Sherry understands this dilemma and provides workshops and webinars at 6:30pm. This helps us be able to get home, take a breath from the day and attend to our own family needs then be able to learn. I and my teachers have met other childcare providers during these workshops and have been able to network. This has helped us know we are not an island but a community trying to provide the best care for our little nuggets and families.

Another benefit is that CCR&R provides workshops & webinars that are Illinois Gateways approved and makes sure the courses are reported to Illinois Gateways.

I cannot thank CCR&R and Sherry for this wonderful benefit she has provided for us.

Miss Karen Cooper

Applying Learning to the Classroom

My name is Donna Bishop and I am a 3-year-old preschool teacher with the Joliet Park District Sunshine and Rainbows. In the past I did webinars with Star Net and since October 2023 I have been doing the webinars with Childcare Resource and Referral.

These webinars have been more beneficial and informative for me as a preschool teacher.

Many of the things I have learned I have already had the opportunity to apply in my classroom. Such as using real items, such as empty food boxes or old telephone in the dramatic play area so it appears more real. Understanding when a child is experiencing anxiety and how to properly deal with it. The importance of promoting active learning and letting the children explore on their own.

I will definitely continue with their trainings as I know they will help me continue to be a better person and teacher.

Donna Bishop